Keeping the Legacy Alive

Lastekoor “Laulurõõm”

 Lastekoor “Laulurõõm”

Estonian Children's Choir "Laulurõõm"

Uploaded by 9films 2 on 2016-12-29.


Palun toeta USA idaranniku lastekoori “Laulurõõm” jõudmist 2017. aasta Noorte Laulu- ja Tantsupeole Tallinnas!


2016. aasta talvel moodustasid kuus Idaranniku eesti kooli - Lakewood, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Connecticut ja Washington D.C. - ühiskoori, kuhu kuulub 65 last vanuses 6-13 eluaastat. Koorijuhtideks on suurte kogemustega koorijuhid Maaja Roos, Leena Sirp ja Holly Miller Vesilind.

Lapsi ootab ees mitu ühist kooriproovi ning esinemist nii New Yorgis kui ka Washington D.C.-s. Loodame, et koos laulurõõmuga kasvab lastel ka armastus oma isamaa ja emakeele vastu ning ühiselt suudame elus hoida eestluse jätkusuutlikkust USA-s.

Kuna tegemist on äärmiselt suure ettevõtmisega, mis lisaks ajakulule nõuab osalejatelt ka suuri väljaminekuid, siis oleme loonud lastekoori toetusfondi. Annetustega kogutud raha kasutatakse koorijuhtide töötasuks, koori vormiriiete tellimiseks ning vajadusel ka
lennupiletite toetuseks.

Please support the successful entry by the East Coast Estonian Children’s Chorus “Laulurõõm” (Love of Song) into the 2017 Youth Song and Dance Celebration in Tallinn!

In early 2016, six East Coast Estonian Schools – Lakewood, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Connecticut, and Washington DC – came together to form an East Coast Chorus. Included in the chorus are 65 children aged 6-13. The chorus is led by Maaja Roos, Leena Sirp, and Holly Miller Vesilind, all of whom are deeply experienced chorus directors.

The children have already had several practices as a whole chorus, and will have several more, as well as performances in New York and in Washington, DC. Our hope is that along with a “Love of Song”, our children’s love of Estonia and Estonian will grow, enabling us to together continue upholding Estonian culture in the US.

This undertaking has required and will require a significant sacrifice for the children and their parents, not only in time and effort, but financially. As a result, we have established a Lastekoor fund that is intended to cover the costs of the choral directors, the chorus
uniforms, and if possible, some of the travel expenses.

The Lastekoor fund has been established under the auspices of The Foundation for Estonian Arts and Letters, and contributions may be made via

  1. Check made out to “The Foundation for Estonian Arts and Letters, Inc.” with Lastekoor written in the memo line, and sent to: Ines K. Horton, 235 East 62nd Street, Apt 2F, New York, NY 10065; or
  2. Using the PayPal link below

Eesti Kultuurfond Ameerika Ühendriikides võtab vastu annetusi lastekoorile nii tsheki kujul kui ka PayPal’i teel:


  1. Tshekk kirjutada ”The Foundation for Estonian Arts and Letters, Inc.“ nimele, Memo: Lastekoor ja saata järgnevale aadressile: Ines K. Horton, 235 East 62nd Street, Apt 2F, New York, NY 10065

  2. PayPal-i annetuste nupu võib leida allpool

$20,832 / $84,300